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Prednisolone for sale

Prednisolone is a synthetic analogue of the hormones cortisone and hydrocortisone. It has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antiexudative, antishock, anti-toxic effects.

Multiple sclerosis is a serious disease that affects the human central nervous system (usually the brain, but there can also be lesions in the spinal cord). The disease develops due to the destruction of the myelin substance. This leads to scarring (sclerosis). This disrupts the normal functioning of the central nervous system, which in turn causes a number of unpleasant symptoms.

Multiple sclerosis occurs at the age of 20-30 years, and more often in women (almost twice as many). When the disease is just beginning to emerge, there are practically no symptoms, and a person may not suspect that he has the disease. And often after the first symptoms a long-term remission develops.

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Multiple sclerosis is a serious disease that affects the human central nervous system (usually the brain, but there can also be lesions in the spinal cord). The disease develops due to the destruction of the myelin substance. This leads to scarring (sclerosis). This disrupts the normal functioning of the central nervous system, which in turn causes a number of unpleasant symptoms.

Multiple sclerosis occurs at the age of 20-30 years, and more often in women (almost twice as many). When the disease is just beginning to emerge, there are practically no symptoms, and a person may not suspect that he has the disease. And often after the first symptoms a long-term remission develops.

Why does multiple sclerosis develop?

The cause of the disease is not fully understood. It is believed that multiple sclerosis can appear after the patient interacts with certain adverse environmental factors. But the processes occurring in the human body (immune disorders) also play an important role. Unfavorable external factors include viral (Epstein-Barr virus) and bacterial infections. Also, the appearance of multiple sclerosis can be affected by poor living conditions: toxic substances, radiation, stressful situations.

There is a theory about a genetic predisposition to multiple sclerosis. It is believed that patients have several genes that cause disturbances in the immune system, which then, in combination with risk factors, cause the development of the disease.

What forms of multiple sclerosis can be distinguished?

Multiple sclerosis is a very multifaceted disease. Symptoms can vary even in the same patient over different periods of time.

Multiple sclerosis can be divided into four types:

  1. Relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. The most common form of the disease, in which periods of exacerbation alternate with periods of normal well-being. Remissions can last for months or even years.
  2. Primary progressive multiple sclerosis. The most severe course of the disease, in which it rapidly progresses from the very beginning.
  3. Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. This form of the disease develops after the relapsing-remitting form.
  4. Progressive multiple sclerosis with exacerbations. This type is characterized by slow progression of the disease and is quite rare.

The danger of multiple sclerosis is that it can lead to disability, and it is difficult to make predictions about this condition. Most patients remain mobile for the rest of their lives, but others may require assistance with walking or a wheelchair.

How does multiple sclerosis manifest?

The most common symptoms of multiple sclerosis are:

  1. Muscle weakness and pain that lasts 7-14 days and then goes away.
  2. Severe headache, sometimes with memory impairment.
  3. Numbness of body parts. This condition occurs for no reason and lasts for weeks.
  4. Disorders of the digestive and genitourinary systems.
  5. Depressed mood, loss of joy, irritability.
  6. Difficulty swallowing.

How is multiple sclerosis diagnosed?

In people with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, the diagnosis is not difficult. It is based on specific symptoms and confirmed using magnetic resonance imaging.

In patients with unusual symptoms or a progressive form, diagnosis is more difficult. Magnetic resonance imaging can identify foci of sclerosis, and this method is constantly being improved. For example, good results are achieved by the introduction of a contrast agent, which helps to assess the extent of the pathological process.

There are no laboratory tests specific for multiple sclerosis yet. The study of cerebrospinal fluid with the determination of a complex of immunological and infectious markers is considered quite informative.

The method of studying evoked potentials of the brain is used to assess the speed of nerve signals under the influence of external stimuli – auditory, visual and somatosensory.


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What is the chance of recovery with multiple sclerosis?

The prognosis for patients is considered conditionally unfavorable, since multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease, and scarring cannot be eliminated. It all depends on the form of the disease, how quickly it progresses and whether the patient takes medication and the best cost.

Studies have shown that the life expectancy of patients with multiple sclerosis is reduced by an average of 7 years, but this only occurs in the most severe cases. Timely treatment and maintenance therapy play an important role. To improve health, patients should avoid drugs and foods that affect the central nervous system. It is recommended not to smoke, drink alcohol or drink too much coffee, and not take any psychostimulants (especially drugs). Patients with multiple sclerosis should never overheat in the sun.

If large lesions form in the brain and spinal cord, patients may be at risk of early disability.

What therapy is most effective for multiple sclerosis?

Treatment of multiple sclerosis involves preventing the development of exacerbations. It includes taking the following medications:

  • immunosuppressants;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • immunomodulators.

But drug therapy provides individual treatment regimens that are selected by the doctor.

Corticosteroids, such as Prednisolone, are used to treat exacerbations of multiple sclerosis. They effectively affect the symptoms of multiple sclerosis and help improve the patient’s well-being in a short time.

How does Prednisone reduce symptoms?

Prednisolone reduces the severity of inflammatory reactions and relieves swelling, which leads to the restoration of the conduction of impulses along those fibers that maintain normal functioning. How to buy over the counter? When using this treatment, a rapid clinical effect occurs, which makes it possible to relieve unpleasant symptoms in the acute phase of the disease in a short time.

Can Prednisolone be taken during pregnancy?

Prednisolone is not recommended to be taken in the first trimester of pregnancy, however, in case of urgent need, and taking into account all the potential risks, it is acceptable.

Is it possible to buy a cheap analogue of Prednisolone?

Treatment of exacerbations of multiple sclerosis and maintenance therapy are quite expensive, so many patients are interested in buying cheaper but effective drugs for sale. Such a drug is generic Prednisolone, the best price. It is developed in exactly the same way as the original drug, so it can be used as an alternative to expensive medicine. Generic Prednisolone can be ordered in our online pharmacy without a prescription. But before you buy generic Prednisolone, you need to consult a specialist. Self-medication is dangerous, find out the cost.

Prednisolone other names:

Adelcort Adelone Aersolin d Ak pred Alertine Alpicort Apicort Aprednislon Bisuo a Blephamide Bronal Capsoid Cetapred Chloramphecort h Compesolon Corotrope Cortan Cortico sol Cortisal Cortisol Cor tyzine Danalone Decortin h Delta cortef Deltacortenesol Deltacortril Deltahydrocortisone Deltapred Deltastab Dermol Dermosolon Deturgylone Dhasolone Di adreson f Dojilon Dontisolon Econopred Emsolone Encortolon Estilsona Fenicort Fisiopred Fisopred Flo pred Frisolona forte Glucortin Gupisone Hefasolon Hexacorton Hexy solupred Hydrocortancyl Hydrocortidelt Infectocortikrupp Inflanefran Inflanegent Insolone Intalsolone Key pred Klismacort Kohakusanin Lenisolone Lepicortinolo Lidomex kowa Linola h n Locaseptil neo Lygal Mecortolon Mediasolone Medopred Meprisolon Metacortandralone Meti derm Meticortelone Minisolone Nurisolon Ocupred Oftalmol Omnipred Ophtapred Optipred Optival Orapred Orapred odt Panafcortelone Paracortol Parisilon Pediacort Pediapred Pednisol Precodil Precortalon aquosum Pred clysma Predacort Predalone Predate s Predcor Predenema Predfoam Predicort Predinga Predlone Predmix Prednefrin Prednesol Predni Predni pos Prednicortil Prednigalen Prednihexal Predni h tablinen Predniliderm Predniocil Prednip Prednis Prednisolona Prednisolonacetat Prednisolon caproate Prednisolonpivalat Prednisolonum Prednisolut Prednizolons Predohan Predonema Predonine Predsim Predsol Predsolets Preflam Prelon Prelone Premandol Prenin Prenolone Preson Prezolon Rectopred Redipred Riemser Scheriproct Scherisolona Sintisone Solone Solpren Solu dacortina Solu decortin Soluble prednisolone Solupred Sopacortelone Sophipren Spirazon Spiricort Sterolone Ultracortenol Vasocidin Walesolone Wysolone Youmeton

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